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Parcel Express (C2C)

The parcels will be consolidated to bulky goods and freight forwarded to a China local custom port for express clearance. Each parcel requires separate, accurate and detailed declaration manifest including recipient’s ID info, item specification (category, name, brand, net weight, gross weight, unit, value etc.)


The total value of the parcel content is limited to 1000RMB unless it contains only single item which cannot be divided (e.g. a handbag or a pair of shoes). By using this method, personal postal articles tax will be applied (please refer to Personal Postal Articles Tax) and tax will be waived off at a tax value below 50RMB.


Normally, it takes 2 to 3 days to complete the custom clearance (when a further scrutiny is sometimes required by the customs, it might take a bit longer), and the total transit time from first scan in our warehouse is between 5 and 12 days.


This method has been fully proved in past few years by send2china and we have even developed multiple routes to different customs ports for optimization and selection purpose. Given by the goods information from merchants, we are able to predefine the dutiable value and tariff rate to minimize the complications upfront and ease the use of this method.

​​Personal Postal Articles Tax

Tax Band

Goods Category



Books, publications, educational video materials; computers and peripherals; computer, video camcorders, digital cameras and other information technology products; food, beverages; gold and silver; furniture; toys, games, festivals or other entertainment products



Textiles and their finished products; leather garments and accessories; bags and shoes; watches and accessories; diamonds and diamond jewellery; some cosmetics, toiletries; household medical, health and beauty equipment; kitchen appliances and small appliances; Refrigerators, laundry equipment, televisions, photography equipment and recording equipment and accessories; stationery; stamps, art, collectibles; musical instruments; sporting goods (excluding golf balls and golf equipment), fishing supplies; bicycles; Other products not included in 1, 3



Cigarette, wine; precious jewellery and jewellery; some cosmetics, toiletries; golf and golf equipment; high-end watches


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